Institute for Women in Leadership (IWIL) is a mentoring program with Brevard College that will engage young women from the IWIL program with women in Brevard (or AAUW) who can assist in developing life skills and career goals.
Jeopardy brings Women in History as a Jeopardy game to 5th grade students in Transylvania County during March Women in History month.
Public Policy/Voter Education acts as an advocate for AAUW’s mission of promoting equity and education for all women and recruits members to email or telephone elected officials on critical issues; communicates public policy matters in newsletter reports. Projects include equal pay and voting process activities.
AAUW Supports Ingles “Tools for Schools” If you purchase groceries at Ingles, a portion of what you pay can go to support a local school or educational agency. You must register anew each school year. Here are the directions for linking your Ingles Advantage Card number to a specific school/agency in our are. AAUW & Ingles Tools for Schools info