
AAUW Brevard Branch Programs for 2024-2025

VP of Program: MonaLin Solan:
VP of Program: Rhae Mozley

Listed below are the proposed Programs for 2024-20245. Please be sure to check time and place on the website, in the monthly newsletter and in any last minute emails as these are subject to unforeseen changes. Our meetings are the second Tuesday of the month. Doors open 30 minutes before the meeting to offer time to socialize and enjoy light refreshments before the evening programs. No refreshments at  the Noon meetings You do not have to be a member to attend a program. This year all the meetings will be at St Timothy UMC located at 1020 Asheville Hwy.

We attempt to support women in our community  by offering a variety of programs that highlight local non-profits, community information and women’s achievements . We hope you will enjoy the schedule this year and look forward to seeing you at the programs!
** indicates a variation in venue and time that we know about at present!

Brevard AAUW Programming for 2024-2025

September 10th @ St Timothy UMC
** 6:00 Welcome Back Potluck – bring a favorite dish to share with other members and guests
     7:00 Getting to Know You and More                                                                                                                         Sign up opportunities for supporting our Mission of providing local scholarships                                     Presentation by the Brevard College IWIL participants and a business meeting


October 8th @ St Timothy UMC                                                                                                                   6:30  Doors open  for Social time and light refreshments                                                                          7:00: Alternative Education in Transylvania County
Barbara Grimm, recently retired principal from Davidson River School, will be speaking regarding the importance and benefits of alternative schooling in the county and how innovative approaches are helping guide students to success.                    


November 12th @ St Timothy UMC                                                                                                              11:30 – Doors open no refreshments but you are welcome to bring a lunch or snack if this is your usual lunchtime                                                                                                                            12:00 –  Keenagers: Telling a New Story About Aging                                                                          Dr.Corrine Auman‘s new book argues that recent gains in life expectancy mean the traditional story about old age no longer applies. She will discuss her findings about this dynamic new demographic, the lives they are leading and the challenges and opportunities for all of us as we age. After her presentation , you might be ready to reinvent your retirement !  Copies of her book will be available.                                                                                                                                                           Gift Bags for SAFE will also be available along with a list of suggested items to fill the bags. They will be collected at our December Luncheon.


December Holiday Celebration : Time, Date and Venue will be announced. Be sure to check the newsletter and this website.


January 14th @ St Timothy                                                                                                                         11:30 – Doors open no refreshments but you are welcome to bring a lunch or snack if this is your usual lunchtime                                                                                                                             12:00 : Finding Joy in your life
Joy Resor, writer, author and one of our own Branch members will be sharing her approach to inspiring a life filled with love, peace and inner joy. A great way to start the new year with “Joy on your Shoulders”


February 11th @ St Timothy UMC                                                                                                               11:30 Doors open  – no refreshments will be served                                                                                12:00: Homeless in Transylvania County
Emily Lowery, Executive Director for the Haven, will share updates on Transylvania County’s only year round Homeless Shelter. She will also talk about the changing homeless situation in the county.


March 11th @ St St Timothy UMC                                                                                                  *****  11:30 Doors open for socializing and light refreshments before the speaker                                       12:00 meeting – Compounded Medicine for Women 
Kristy Henson of Metcalf Pharmacy and Vital Balance Consulting will be presenting information on her commitment to empowering and uplifting women through personalized, holistic approaches to health and well-being.

April 8th @ St Timothy UMC                                                                                                                        6:00 Doors open for socializing and light refreshments before the speaker                                       7:00 –  Who’s helping Who?                                                                                                                           Joleen Brannigan, founder of Almost Home Dog Rescue, NC,  will share information on how this exciting organization provides shelter, enrichment, love and training for dogs in need. It is a local organization that provides extra assistance and fostering opportunities for local shelter dogs. (No actual dogs will be present, but lots of pictures and stories)


May will be our annual picnic and officer installation. Date and venue YTD. Check back for timely updates in the newsletter and on this website.

*****We follow the school schedule. A delayed opening means we will have the program at our scheduled time. If the schools close, the program will be cancelled and rescheduled. *****