
Established in 1955, our branch currently has over 130 members and is the largest branch in the state. 

Locally, our branch is most focused on raising money for science-related educational scholarships for Transylvania County girls and young women. We have endowments at both Blue Ridge Community College and Brevard College, fund participation by 5th graders from Pisgah Elementary, Brevard Elementary and Rosman Elementary to a summer nature program, and also send  young women from Brevard and Rosman middle schools to summer STEM programs. We also support a Brevard College program called “IWIL” – Institute for Women in Leadership – and help send girls to a National Conference for that program. 

Our major fundraisers are the sale of Online Books thru EBay (ManyBooksLittle Time on EBay) and an annual Book Sale in June held at Boshamer Gym on the Brevard College Campus. 

Our organization is not all hard work, though. We also like to socialize. We have an informational program with guest speakers on various topics once a month that is open to the public. For members only, we have what we call interest groups for all sorts of things.

  • “Grub Club” is a group that meets for a meal once a month
  • “5 minute creative” gets together a couple of times a month to hone our skills or try out new ones in a no-pressure environment.
  • “Tripping Around” occasionally organizes a day-trip to see a play or some other special event.
  • Our hiking group hikes twice a month, mixing in easy hikes with more moderate ones
  • One of our most popular activities is our book club. It is so popular, in fact, that we’ve expanded to two meeting times. We have a group that meets on a Wednesday afternoon, and another that meets on a Thursday evening.

Interested in joining us? Come to one of our monthly programs! Doing so gives you the opportunity to meet people, learn about an interesting topic, AND join us at a reduced rate. Through an AAUW National-based program called Shape The Future, members who join at a public program get 1/2 off the national dues their first year.

Other options are to download the application at the bottom of this page, print it, fill it out and mail it with your check to the address on the form, or join online at AAUW’s national website:

Call or text 478-550-8575 or email for additional information. You can also stop by our “Book Nook” location at 170 S. Broad Street, Brevard,  on Thursdays between  10:00 – 2:00 for more information.

We hope to see you soon!

Brevard Branch Membership Application 2024-2025