Interest Groups

Interest Groups: These are small groups providing opportunities for members to connect and enjoy experiences with like minded friends. These groups are member facilitated and meet on a regular basis. Call (828) 338 -9906 and leave a message. These social groups are not part of our Mission per se, but an opportunity for members to get to know one another in a social setting. They are not sponsored by the Branch.
New Groups can be formed by 3 AAUW members. If you have an interest to share, do a short writeup for the Board to review and then interested members are responsible for organizing and facilitating the group.

Book Group: Meets the first Wednesday of the month , September – May, at 2:00 – 3:00 pm in the College Walk Activities Room. Really interesting discussions emerge based on the author and the topics of the books. Members vote on the reading list for the upcoming year in May.

Evening Book Group: Meets the first Thursday of the month at 7:00pm in the Nook. This group reads the same book as the Wednesday afternoon group but discussions can take a entirely different path since it’s a another group with varying perspectives!

Tripping Around: Day trips and attending local, including Flat Rock Theater, performances and events. Event dates and times are announced during the year.

Hiking Group: Offers a variety of hikes ranging from easy (2-3 miles or so) to challenging (4+ miles) over more rugged terrain. Outings are scheduled twice a month.

Grub Clubs: There are 3 different groups of 6 or 7 who meet for breakfast or lunch once a month usually at one of our great local restaurants – Each group operates independently and sets their own schedule.     For more information contact Barb Gibson Check your directory for contact info.  The “On the Fly” Group will be meeting on the 3rd Thursday of each month – 

5 minute Creativity group:   currently “On Hold”

Mahjong:  Interest in a Mahjong group has been expressed but an organizer needs to step forward to get things started! There is a list of interested members available. Please call (828) 338 -9906 and leave a message for more information.

New Groups can be formed by 3 AAUW members. If you have an interest to share, do a short writeup for the Board to review