Book Nook


Book Drop Off at “The Nook”

New Nook as of June 2024

170 S. Broad Street

(across from the library )               

You can bring your books, puzzles etc to our NEW location. Enter through the parking lot entrance and turn left!

Holiday Schedule

**No donations will be accepted on Dec 19th, Dec 26 or Jan 2nd   Donations will resume on Thursday, January 9th

We will not be able to accept books that are damp, moldy or have been exposed to flooding

Donations are on Thursdays from 10 – 2:00.

       We accept Books, puzzles, Games, CDs, DVDs, LPs that are in good condition but no audio cassette tapes.


EBay books are also onsite and are available for local pickup at the Nook

Order online and indicate you would like to do a pickup to save shipping cost       


Yellow Box Collection


             A Sign of Approaching Spring! Yellow Boxes are now out in places you may frequent in the community-

 Yellow Boxes are placed around town in various shops, stores and offices usually starting in February

Just place the books you wish to donate in the box and they will be picked up by a member and brought to the Nook to be  put in the June sale or listed on the Ebay  site:    manybookslittletime

Please visit our Ebay Store

Or click on the following link:



Contact information:


                     828 338-9906 – please leave a message with your name and phone                                   number spoken clearly at the beginning and end of your message.